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2025 Annual Meeting Sponsor Spotlight

Our 2025 Annual Meeting Sponsors

Elite Corporate Investors

Consumers Energy

Consumers Energy partners with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and local and regional organizations to help new and expanding businesses choose Michigan as the best place to grow and thrive. No matter how a business begins the siting process, we’re at the table with the MEDC and local economic development agencies as a team – Team Michigan – to understand a company’s long-term goals. We connect all the dots, resulting in a seamless “we’ve got this” customer experience. That’s why industry leaders invested more than $4.2 billion and created more than 5,500 jobs in Consumers Energy’s service territory in 2023.

An Expanding Site Inventory – Consumers Energy is working alongside state and local agencies to identify, examine and inventory sites of all sizes to help ensure sites are readily available to meet increased electric demand from all industries, including EV battery, battery-component and semiconductor facilities and their supply chains.

Energy- and Cost-Saving Solutions: Attracting businesses to Michigan and keeping them here means keeping upfront and ongoing energy costs competitive. Our goal is competitively priced—or potentially zero upfront cost—energy infrastructure for business customers. When it comes to keeping energy costs low over the long haul, energy efficiency incentives for current and planned upgrades have saved our customers more than $4 billion since 2009 and offer competitive energy- and cost-saving advantages.

A Reliability Roadmap: Michiganders are facing more severe and frequent storms, so it’s up to us to step up our game to keep the lights on for our friends and neighbors who count on us. Our Reliability Roadmap is a nearly $9 billion investment in reliability and resilience with the goals of ensuring no customer ever goes more than 24 hours without power, and no single outage affects more than 100,000 customers. We are taking steps to trim trees away from power lines, embrace technology and explore burying power lines, all to reduce the number and length of power outages when Mother Nature strikes. With continued investment, technological advances like ATRs that isolate outages and reroute power in other directions, and support from regulators and key stakeholders, our plan can dramatically transform how we serve Michigan.

Leading the Clean Energy Transformation: As Michigan’s largest energy provider, Consumers Energy delivers natural gas and/or electricity to 6.8 million of the state’s 10 million residents in all 68 Lower Peninsula counties. The company’s nation-leading Clean Energy Plan is a roadmap to eliminating coal by 2025, achieving net zero methane emissions by 2030, achieving net zero carbon emissions, and meeting 90 percent of the state’s energy needs with clean resources by 2040.

Powering Businesses’ Sustainability Goals: Comcast, DENSO, General Motors, Magna and US Signal are among more than 30 large employers who’ve joined Consumers Energy’s Renewable Energy Program. The program helps businesses match their energy use with locally sourced renewable energy. Subscribers receive environmental benefits from the renewable resources they’re supporting and receive bill credits to offset subscription fees and potentially lower energy bills. Our Commercial and Industrial Demand Response program rewards your business by compensating you for temporarily reducing energy use and lowering grid demand on peak days.

Reach out to Consumers Energy's Economic Development Team today.

DTE Energy

DTE is investing in technology to create a smarter, stronger, more resilient grid that delivers the energy customers demand and deserve.

The company is committed to modernizing its electric system to be more reliable and resilient to increasingly severe weather, while also delivering cleaner energy to meet its aggressive carbon reduction goals and the state of Michigan’s new clean energy legislation.

DTE is also committed to creating meaningful impact at the local level and driving economic development. DTE spent $2.7 billion with Michigan businesses in 2023, creating and sustaining more than 12,000 jobs across the state. Last year, DTE also spent $988 million with diverse suppliers and nearly $900 million with companies based in the city of Detroit. The company continually increases its spending with local businesses. In the past 13 years, DTE invested more than $21 billion with Michigan-based suppliers creating and sustaining 77,000 Michigan jobs.

DTE is also providing programs to help Michigan businesses achieve their sustainability goals. MIGreenPower, the company’s voluntary renewable energy program, is the number one program of its kind for large business customers and is helping some of southeast Michigan's most notable organizations achieve their sustainability goals. With more than 1,700 businesses and nearly 100,000 residential customers enrolled, MIGreenPower is accelerating the development of new Michigan-based renewable energy projects - projects that support our state's economy by providing millions of dollars in added tax revenue to participating communities, creating thousands of local jobs, and supplying extra revenue to the landowners that host them.

Our Economic Development team stands ready to help businesses successfully relocate or expand their operations in Michigan. From Infrastructure Financial Incentives, our XL High Load Factor Rate, to our nationally recognized energy efficiency rebates and programs, DTE will help businesses save money by investing in Michigan. You can connect with our team today to learn more about our programs and offerings.

See how DTE is modernizing the grid and serving clean energy…” in their "DTE Best for the World 2024" video.


ITC Holdings Corp. is the largest independent electricity transmission company in the U.S. – owner, and operator of high-voltage power transmission systems in seven states, with an eighth in development. ITC’s investments in power transmission infrastructure lower electricity costs, improve service reliability and safety, and increase economic activity and tax revenues for customers, stakeholders, and communities. Contact Nora Balgoyen, EDFP, Senior Area Manager, PH: 269-792-7228,

ITC Michigan - Click here to watch the video.

Connecting Business to Energy Infrastructure - ITC is different from other utilities in that we focus only on electric transmission infrastructure, which plays a vital role in economic development. That’s one of the reasons ITC invests in a modern, robust power transmission grid. As a result of our sustained investments, ITC’s transmission systems routinely perform in the top tier of utilities nationally for service reliability. Our energy-intensive customers connected to ITC at transmission-level voltage expect nothing less.

Connecting Customers to the Power Grid - ITC’s sole focus on transmission allows us to facilitate the reliable and efficient delivery of electricity to our wholesale customers – regardless of the generation source.  ITC is committed to:

  • Providing reliable wholesale electric service
  • Ensuring system capacity for the demands of tomorrow
  • Enabling electric customers and generators access to competitive wholesale markets

Providing a Critical Link to Tailored Power Solutions - Our ongoing assessment of electric transmission needs for the grid is driven by the requirements of energy-intensive customers, and include:

  • Transmission infrastructure investment
  • Premier electric reliability
  • Focus on power quality
  • Knowledge of available system capacity

Facilitating Strong State and Local Economies - ITC connect a variety of industrial customers at transmission-level voltage including:

  • Investor-owned, vertically integrated electric utilities
  • Commercial/large load connectors and site selectors
  • Municipal utilities
  • Co-ops
  • Independent power producers or non-utility generators
  • Developers and subscribers of contracted, merchant transmission lines

Click here to learn more about ITC.

Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)

The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with more than 100 economic development partners, markets Michigan as the place to do business, assists businesses in their growth strategies, and fosters the growth of vibrant communities across the state. Contact an MEDC Representative for assistance.

Make it in Michigan - Click here to watch the video.

Supporting Small Business – In Michigan, nearly every indicator of our success is influenced and reflected by our small businesses. At the MEDC, we value both the financial and community contributions small businesses make by preserving culture, promoting innovation, and attracting and retaining talent to help sustain and grow our great state for generations to come. The MEDC’s Small Business Services and Business Solutions team exemplifies our heightened focus on supporting small businesses of all sizes – from micro to growth stage – across the state. We are inspired by Michigan’s small businesses, and proud to help them thrive. We provide support to Michigan's entrepreneurs and small businesses through grants, loans, and other services. Click here for more.

Building Strong Communities – To be vibrant and competitive, Michigan communities must be proactive, including planning for new investments, identifying assets and opportunities, and focusing limited resources. The MEDC Place, Programs, & Services team is proud to be the first state agency in the nation to produce a comprehensive “toolkit” on such resiliency measures for local communities, and prouder to support them in their journey to get there. Whether you need help through technical assistance programs, financial incentives, or simply knowledge-sharing, we are happy to support you. Click here to learn more.

Select Corporate Sponsor

Plante Moran Realpoint

Plante Moran Cresa and REIA have joined together as Plante Moran Realpoint, a real estate firm that is truly “built different”. More than 125 multidisciplinary professionals bring together comprehensive, end-to-end services and deep industry specialization in corporate, public sector, healthcare, religious institutes and senior living spaces as well as in development and mixed-use projects. Plante Moran Realpoint is seamlessly integrated with Plante Moran, one of the largest accounting and consulting firms. Together, we bring the resources of more than 3,800 professionals across the country. Learn more at

Michigan State Housing Development Authority

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority serves the people of Michigan by partnering to provide quality affordable housing solutions in support of diverse, equitable, thriving communities. We forge creative and collaborative partnerships, share knowledge and resources, and invest in communities, so everyone in Michigan can afford a safe, quality place to call home in the community of their choice. We have been Michigan’s best way home for 58 years and look forward to opening more doors to housing for generations to come.

MSHDA's Why - Click here to watch the video.

Housing TIF is a new funding stream for housing development activities that all economic development professionals should be knowledgeable about. The law was signed by the Governor in July 2023, and establishes that all new housing projects making use of this revenue source must be reviewed by MSHDA staff. Additionally, this program can be deployed for any property - it does not have to be designated brownfield or obsolete, unlike the historical uses of this tool for economic development.

MSHDA's Housing TIF staff lead is Josh Campbell, reachable at The success of this program depends on your active participation as experts on economic development and your local community - please don't hesitate to reach out with any input and feedback you may have on this program as it continues to deploy around the state.

Here's what you need to consider to ensure a successful Housing TIF development:

  • Does the work plan align with local & statewide housing needs as demonstrated through ag least one of the following:
    • Local Housing Needs Assessment (current within three years)
    • Detailed third-party Market Study for the area
    • Alignment with the governor's Statewide Housing Plan
    • Alignment with an adopted Regional Housing Plan
  • Property information:
    • Current and future ownership of the eligible property
    • Historical and current use of each eligible property
    • Summary of the proposed development and all future use
  • Ownership & development team:
    • Financial capacity and experience
    • Program capacity to monitor price & income
  • Development/reimbursement agreement:
    • Ongoing, if required, price & income certification/monitoring for residential units
    • Details of all ownership interests
    • All monetary considerations, fees, revenue, cost sharing, charges, and other financial arrangements
  • Eligible activities:
    • Review of purchase agreement and development cost budget (sources/uses) for inclusion of all eligible activities
    • Review for reasonableness

Bronze Sponsor

Detroit Regional Partnership

The Detroit Regional Partnership is a regional economic development nonprofit serving Southeast Michigan’s 11-county region. Founded in 2019 by a group of business and philanthropic CEOs, the organization is laser-focused on marketing the region to out-of-state and international companies to attract investments and jobs. Contact DRP.

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