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Michigan’s Premier Economic Summit Agenda Preview

See What is Being Planned for the Summit

As the agenda develops for the conference, we'll share updates, confirmed sessions, and more.


MEDA's biggest education and networking event of the year is Michigan’s Premier Economic Summit, formerly Annual Meeting. This includes educational sessions covering the most important economic development topics and issues of the time as well as several networking opportunities. Join us in Holland for education and networking with your partners in growing your community!

The Education Committee and Summit Subcommittee are working on an agenda with topics that are pertinent to economic developers throughout the state.

A national economic development forecast will bring together varying news on what is shaping up with our economy following sweeping changes in tariffs, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. after the new administration took office in January.

Along with the excitement about artificial intelligence (AI) have come conversations about the impact of data centers. Data centers in our state could attract technology companies with high power processing needs, but concerns remain regarding storage, utility costs, set-up costs, permitting, and regulations.

Other topics being explored include identifying the link between industrialization and innovation and using that for your economic development strategy, training and updates on Michigan Economic Development Corporation-based tools and services, creative company expansions to meet childcare needs, innovative energy production, food processing and agribusiness, and the traditional MEDA site selectors panel.

The Holland area is rich in tour opportunities. The committee is exploring a brewery tour, an entertainment venue with an economic development story, unique business visits, and a new state-of-the-art business incubator as some places to take attendees that will enhance their conference experience.

Finally, no MEDA annual conference would be complete without several networking opportunities. An Opening Reception at New Holland Brewing, Trivia Night, and a group breakfast are being planned on top of networking time throughout the agenda.

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